The site, hosting, and Patreon

The site, hosting, and Patreon


OK, here’s the story:

Our admin hasn’t been heard from in over a year and I’ve no idea if/when the domain/hosting will/won’t get paid. That’s a bit too much uncertainty for my liking. So, I’m moving the FCM site to hosting that I pay for. I’ll also be paying for the domain name.

The site is currently in the making. Thanks to Lucas Westermann (Mr. Command & Conquer). HUGE thanks to him for taking on the job of completely rebuilding the site, from scratch, in his own time.

Once the new site is up and running the old site will be phased out. All going well, you shouldn’t even notice any disruption. The main difference will be the look of the site. I’m hoping to give it a refresh.

The new Patreon page that I’ve set up  is to help me pay the domain and hosting fees. Even if the yearly target isn’t reached FCM will continue it is not going away. Don’t worry about that.

Several people have asked for a PayPal (single donation) option, so I’ve added a button to the right side of the site, below the Patreon button. A big thank you to all those who’ve used Patreon and may use the PayPal button. It’s a big help.

How Patreon works:
You can do a monthly pledge of:
$1 – every little helps
$3 – you get your name on the soon to be added Patreon page in each issue, or:
$5 – you get to see the preview PDF and read the issue one week before everyone else.

You know the old saying: a change is as good as rest.

Apparently.  🙂



  1. Hi Ronnie,

    I read your fcm every month and really appreciate the time, skill, and effort that goes into the production of this useful magazine, however ….

    .. while I really do not want to set up a monthly repeating contribution, I would be more than happy to make a contribution via paypal.

    Do you have facility to accommodate that?

  2. Many thanks, Ronnie, for all you do to stitch together this community. Full Circle is where we turn before the forums; often the answer is there. I’ll keep supporting you!

  3. Damn Ronnie, I wish you would have told me about this. I could possibly get you set up and hosted for free at my company. We host all kinds of websites, and I could probably get yours setup for free. My boss could write it off on taxes since FCM is non-profit. I guess it’s too late now, but let me know the next time you decide to change your hosting setup. I stopped helping write articles because this job doesn’t allow me the time to do that anymore, but the least I could do is get you guys hosted for free. Then donations could go towards paying for your time and some of the writers that have been at it for a long time. Or anything else you think it is needed for. Anyway, I’m excited for the new site, can’t wait to check it out, along with the next issue of FCM. I’ve got some ideas for some articles that I’ll send to your email address.

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